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Nostradamus at Audiovisual Days - Göteborg Film Festival
44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Nostradamus at Audiovisual Days

Nostradamus at Audiovisual Days October 18 Welcome to an updated presentation of the 2018 Nostradamus report Do or Die? – a Moment of Truth for European Film followed by a panel of experts discussing the future content of TV Drama and more at Lindholmen Science Park’s Audiovisual Days. 09.30 – 09.40 Presentation: A foretaste of the 42nd […]

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

Nostradamus at Audiovisual Days October 18

Welcome to an updated presentation of the 2018 Nostradamus report Do or Die? – a Moment of Truth for European Film followed by a panel of experts discussing the future content of TV Drama and more at Lindholmen Science Park’s Audiovisual Days.

09.30 – 09.40 Presentation: A foretaste of the 42nd Göteborg Film Festival
With Mirja Wester, CEO, Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director and Cia Edström, Head of Industry and Nostradamus

09.40 – 10.30 Seminar: Do or Die – a Moment of Truth for European Film
The fifth annual Nostradamus report was presented during Göteborg Film Festival 2018. In a high-energy seminar the report’s editor Johanna Koljonen will present the updated findings, focusing om whether the film industry as we know it will survive, and what European film makers, financiers and exhibitors need to do to compete with the global majors.

10.45 – 11.30 Panel: Scouting the future of TV Drama
After several years of major changeovers with new business models, audiences behaviors and digital innovations the TV Drama industry still seems just as changing. Listen to our invited experts when they give their take on the future of drama series; content, financing and what to think of when you develop your project.
Moderator: Johanna Koljonen, Nostradamus editor and journalist
Guests: Petri Kemppinen, CEO of Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Tatjana Samopjan, Creative Development Producer, Martina Österling, Agent at Albatros Agency

The session is presented in collaboration with Lindholmen Science Park and Kulturakademin and will be recorded as a webinar for Kulturakademin’s channel K-Play.

Audiovisual Days 2018 October 18–19 (earlier Västsvenska Filmdagar) is an increasingly important meeting place for the Swedish audiovisual industry and regional talents of west Sweden, presented by Lindholmen Science Park. Check out the website and full programme of Audiovisual Days here

The Nostradamus Project is founded and run by Göteborg Film Festival with support from Lindholmen Science Park, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Västra Götalandsregionen and Kulturakademin.

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