44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

World premiere for Hungarian super talent

Guerilla dump the hero halo and show the Hungarian revolution's dark side. .

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

György Mór Kárpátis debut feature film Guerilla follows two brothers fighting in the Hungarian revolution. The year is 1849, but it might as well be 2019, when Mór Kárpáti ask how long you can maintain humanity in war. 

Text: Caroline Widenheim
Photo: Carla Orrego Veliz

Why did you want to depict this period?

– The war is an important part of Hungary’s history, but it is often romanticized and idealized. In the history description, the leaders and heroes are praised, but I believe it distance us from what really happened. I wanted a more democratic perspective and focus on the unknown humans in the war, that are not considered as important.

What did you do to get close to these people?

– I have read many letters from that period, which has been an important source of inspiration. I chose to write about two brothers who choose different paths in the war. One escapes the recruitment to the revolutionary army, whilst the other is forced to go out in war. The main question for me was how long a human kan maintain his humanity in a war situation, and I wanted to illustrate a person’s development in an intimate way.

Do you see any connections to the political situation in Hungary today? 

– We’re not in a war situation, but you can feel a growing political tension and intolerance, which is concerning. It affects the general atmosphere and how people relate to each other. The other day, when I was on my way to the office, I heard a man say a racist comment on the bus, completely open. It should not happen. There is a tug of war concerning values right now, and I would say that Hungary is very divided.

Finally, how does it feel before the world premiere tonight?

– I am very happy to have premiere at the festival. Especially, I look forward to meet the Swedish audience. So far, only 10-15 people have seen the film, so it is exiting!

Don’t miss Guerilla at Göteborg Film Festival. 

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