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Watch the Nostradamus session from Cannes NEXT - Göteborg Film Festival
44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Watch the Nostradamus session from Cannes NEXT

Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal On June 25, 2020, Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus project returned to Cannes NEXT at the Marché du Film Online in a dynamic session on the near future of the industry in the light of the COVID-19 crisis. In an ambitious three-part seminar broadcast from Göteborg’s […]

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal

On June 25, 2020, Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus project returned to Cannes NEXT at the Marché du Film Online in a dynamic session on the near future of the industry in the light of the COVID-19 crisis.

In an ambitious three-part seminar broadcast from Göteborg’s Stora Teatern, the Nostradamus Project invited experts to reflect on the near future of the film and scripted television industry. Discussions touched on immediate developments in production, changes in distribution, expected developments in the streaming marketplace and the constructive opportunities offered by the crisis to an industry that has often been hesitant to risk innovation. Opportunities for more sustainable work practices within the industry and more dynamic audience relationships received particular attention, as well as the positive outlook for arthouse film with audiences.

Part I -“The Pandemic and the Cinema”
Industry Analyst Johanna Koljonen interviews Tomas Eskilsson (Head of Strategy, Film i Väst).
In conjunction with the Nostradamus seminar, Tomas Eskilsson from our main partner Film i Väst released an article on the current state of the film industry in the continuing pandemic. In this fireside chat, he weighs in on the future of European cinema, the accelerated transition of business models, production capacity as well as the optimism – and naïveté – of the industry about the duration of the pandemic. Read Eskilsson’s article HERE


Part II – Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal
Panel discussion with Marike Muselaers (Co-CEO, Lumiere Group), Matthijs Wouter Knol (Director of the European Film Market), Catharine Des Forges (Director, Independent Cinema Office), Olle Agebro (Editor, Draken Film).

Industry innovators with deep backgrounds in streaming, festivals, markets, distribution and exhibition look towards the future: how would we want the industry to change moving forward? How can we work proactively for constructive outcomes? Concerns are discussed in the context of positive developments, such as cross-silo collaboration in the industry, a re-engagement of the audience with arthouse film, progressive shifts in the window system, and closer integration within the European industry to reach new European audiences.

Part III – Nostradamus keynote and Covid-19 update
Industry analyst Johanna Koljonen presents this year’s edition the annual Nostradamus Report, which describes the future on the screen industries with a 3-5 year horizon, and discusses these predictions in light of the pandemic. Longer lines in the development of the industry remain largely unchanged, but the urgency of diversity, access, and inclusion work – as both a market and moral necessity – has only increased, as has the pace of the conceptual transformation of the broader video landscape.

The session was broadcasted by our partner  Kulturakademin. Watch all the videos HERE

Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus project is made in collaboration with Film i Väst.
With additional support from Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Västra Götalandsregionen, Creative Europe/MEDIA and Kulturakademin.

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