44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Aurora to Open the festival, Swoon Closes it

Anticipated Finnish comedy debut to open Göteborg Film Festival 2019.

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

When Draken opens its doors on January 25, the Finnish comedy Aurora will start off the festival. It will be the world premiere of the film, which also is part of the nominees in the prestigious Nordic Competition. The festival ends just as grand on February 2, with the Swedish romantic film Swoon, which also has its premiere at Göteborg Film Festival. 

This year’s Opening Film is the world premiere of the Finnish film Aurora by Miia Tervo. Partying nail technician with attachment issues becomes a match-maker for an Iranian refugee in this irresistible debut. With exuberant energy and disarming, dark humor, Miia Tervo tells a story of loneliness, everyday racism, and alcoholism in an intelligent romantic comedy that plays with prejudices and genre conventions.

Read more about the film here. 

This year’s Closing Film is the world premiere of the Swedish film Swoon by Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein. Spectacular scenery and smouldering romance in this colorful love story about two heirs of two rival amusement parks. The directing duo Mårlind and Stein (Underworld Awakening, Shed No Tears) let go of reins and dive into the beefiest love film this year

Read more about Swoon here. 


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