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Nostradamus at Marché du Film Online 2020 - Göteborg Film Festival
44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Nostradamus at Marché du Film Online 2020

Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus initiative returns to Cannes NEXT, this year exploring how to build a better normal for the industry in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The session will be presented June 25 in collaboration with Film i Väst and Cannes NEXT Marché […]

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal

Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus initiative returns to Cannes NEXT, this year exploring how to build a better normal for the industry in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The session will be presented June 25 in collaboration with Film i Väst and Cannes NEXT Marché du Film Online.

The global pandemic has rapidly accelerated a number of largely inevitable film industry change processes, but also left many stakeholders scrambling to sustainably transition to what comes next

In this Nostradamus session, international experts including Marike Muselaers (Co-CEO, Lumiere Group), Matthijs Wouter Knol (Director of the European Film Market), Catharine Des Forges (Director, Independent Cinema Office), Olle Agebro (Editor, Draken Film) and Tomas Eskilsson (Head of Strategy, Film i Väst) discuss what actions need to be taken today to help shape sustainable outcomes out of the ongoing disruption, also in the wider frame of changing audience behaviors, threats to public arts funding and the effects of climate change.

The session is hosted by media analyst Johanna Koljonen of the Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus Report; she will also present a ”Covid-19 update” on the project’s most recent prognosis for the next 2–3 years.

Time: June 25, 10:00–12:00
Accreditation to Marché du Film Online required
Read more and register here >

Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus project is made in collaboration with Film i Väst.
With additional support from Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Västra Götalandsregionen, Creative Europe/MEDIA and Kulturakademin.

The session is broadcasted by Kulturakademin, Göteborg.

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