44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021


Claudia Saginario


Selected filmography: Lilith (feature, in development, 2020), Christian IV (feature, 2017),Yes No Maybe s1 (web series, 2017), Klaes The Roommate s2 (tv series, 2016), Darkest Moon (short, 2015)

Producer, Claudia Saginario, graduated from The National Film School of Denmark in 2015. Immediately after she joined Good Company Films, one year after the company’s establishment. In her work as a producer she has a special focus on developing strong stories and lowbudget concepts. During the last two years she has produced Kasper Kalle’s debut feature Christian IV and the two short format TV-series Klaes the Roommate and Yes No Maybe. She and Kasper Kalle have their next project in development. A feature with working title “Lilith” set in an undefined time and place, about a mysterious female avenger played by a transgender actress.

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