44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021


Renée Mlodyszewski


Filmography: Explosions in the Heart (in development), Silence (feature, in development), Silence (short, 2020), Wild Horses (short, 2020), Bed Bugs (short, 2020), Things We Don`t Talk About (short, 2018), Success (short, 2018), Smile (short, 2017), Hungarian Lullaby (short, 2017)

Renée (b.1986) graduated from the Norwegian Film School in 2018. She has worked for many of the largest tv- and film companies in Norway and produced several short films such as Success, screened at Göteborg Film Festival in 2018. She also has a background in working at the Norwegian Film institute as an advisor for both games- and fictional content. Today Renée is employed at Oslo Pictures where she is in pre-production with her first feature film Explosions in the Heart

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