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Nostradamus: Global threats, new giants and AI as a creative tool - Göteborg Film Festival
44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Nostradamus: Global threats, new giants and AI as a creative tool

On November 14 Göteborg Film Festival invites you to a future oriented morning during Audiovisual Days! Johanna Koljonen gives an updated key-note of the sixth Nostradamus report ”Relevance in a New Reality” followed by an expert panel on AI in the audiovisual industries, now and in a near future. 09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast with a […]

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

On November 14 Göteborg Film Festival invites you to a future oriented morning during Audiovisual Days! Johanna Koljonen gives an updated key-note of the sixth Nostradamus report ”Relevance in a New Reality” followed by an expert panel on AI in the audiovisual industries, now and in a near future.

09:00 – 09:45 Breakfast with a taste of the 43rd Göteborg Film Festival
Mirja Wester, CEO; Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director; Cia Edström, Head of Industry.

09:45 – 10:30 Key-note: Relevance in a New Reality
Johanna Koljonen gives an updated key-note of the sixth Nostradamus report ”Relevance in a New Reality”, with focus on coming challenges for public financing and the ongoing war on content and the audience attention between new and old giants.

10:45 – 11:45 Panel session: AI as a creative tool
Artificial intelligence as a tool for developing future film and TV content has given rise to both great expectations as well as strong skepticism from the industry. We welcome two companies to present their innovative tools and discuss AI in the audiovisual industries, now and in a near future. In the panel we meet Michiel Ruelens, CTO at Scriptbook (Brussels), that has developed an AI tool for script analysis and Matilda Kong, CEO and founder of the Swedish tech startup Ceretai working with detecting norms and stereotypes in popular culture. The panel is moderated by Johanna Koljonen.

Audiovisual Days 2020
Lindholmen Science Park, Lindholmspiren 3-5, Göteborg
Free entrance. Register here!

The session is presented in collaboration with Lindholmen Science Park, AI innovation of Sweden and Kulturakademin and will be recorded as a webinar for Kulturakademin’s channel K-Play.

Audiovisual Days 2019 November 14–15  is a meeting place for the Swedish audiovisual industry and regional talents of west Sweden, presented by Lindholmen Science Park. Check out the full programme for Audiovisual Days here

The Nostradamus Project is founded and run by Göteborg Film Festival with support from Film i Väst, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Västra Götalandsregionen and Kulturakademin.

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