44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Director, Screenwriter

Adel Khan Farooq


Filmography: Cockroaches (short in development), Oslo (feature in development), Green Team (documentary in development), 2018: Psykt (short), 2017: Recruting for Jihad (documentary).

Adel Khan Farooq is a director, author and journalist based in Oslo. Adel has covered crime for the Norwegian
tabloid newspaper Dagbladet, and contributed to several documentaries as a researcher, photographer and cameraman, before his directorial debut and breakthrough with Recruiting for Jihad. The film has drawn praise by the critics by referring it as an essential and groundbreaking piece of investigative filmmaking. Adel’s book “My Brothers”, about radicalization, became a bestseller in Norway. He is currently working on several projects, both filmmaking and scriptwriting.

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