44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where will the 44th Göteborg Film Festival 2021 take place?
January 29 – February 8, 2021. The Festival takes place in Göteborg, Sweden.

Do you accept ’works in progress’ or ’rough cuts’?
Yes, you can submit rough cuts or works-in-progress, as long as your film will be completed in time to screen at the festival.

Will you confirm receipt of my entry?
Yes, when you have completed the online submission form and paid the entry fee with your credit card you will get a reciept of your entry.

Do you grant fee waivers?
No, our policy is not to give give fee waivers or reductions. We know filmmaking is an expensive venture, but the application fee is necessary to fund the basics of the selection process.

What if my film has been broadcast on TV, been publicly posted online or released in theatres?
If your film has been or will be broadcast on a Swedish TV channel, been publicly posted online, released in Swedish cinemas or on DVD or VOD before Göteborg Film Festival 2019, it is not eligible for the festival.

What if my film has screened at other festivals?
We always need the Swedish premiere, so if your film has been shown in other Swedish festivals it is not eligible for the 44th Göteborg Film Festival 2021. If the film has been shown at festivals outside of Sweden it is not a problem for us. Please make sure to indicate the date and place of the first screening in the online application form.

How recently does my film have to have been produced?
We require that your film had it’s official world premiere after January 1, 2020. If the film was premiered anywhere in 2019 or earlier it is not eligible for the 44th Göteborg Film Festival 2021.

If my film is selected, what kind of exhibition copy is required?

For the festival screenings we need a DCP or a 35mm print. If the dialogue is not entirely in English we need an exhibition copy with English subtitles.

Do you show films for children?
Yes, we do.

How many films can I submit?
There is no limit. Just be sure to fill out a separate entry form and pay an entry fee for each film.

Can I get feedback of my film?
Unfortunately, no. The high volume of films submitted simply makes it impossible for us to commit to speaking individually with filmmakers about why we did not select their films.

When will I find out if my film has been selected?
We will notify everyone by email whether their film has been accepted or rejected by December 15, 2020 at the very latest.

If my film is not accepted, will you return my preview copy?
Unfortunately, no. The high volume of films submitted simply makes it impossible for us to return DVD’s and hard drives. Do not send your only master or other materials such as press kits and stills that you might want to get back.

If my film is not accepted, will I get my Entry fee back?
No, the Entry fee is non-refundable.

If I change my mind and want to cancel my submission, will I get my Entry fee back?
No, the Entry fee is non-refundable.

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