44:e festivalen 29 jan - 8 feb, 2021

It is of great importance to us that you feel comfortable and safe with the management of your personal information.

46:e festivalen
27 Jan -
5 Feb, 2023

At Göteborg Film Festival we are constantly striving to improve our services in order to be able to provide you, our member or customer, with a better experience and with offers relevant to you. Göteborg Film Festival would not exist without our network of industry contacts, members and ticket-buyers. Therefore, it is of great importance to us that you feel comfortable and safe with the management of your personal information.

On the 25th of May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force, replacing Sweden’s law on personal data (Sveriges personuppgiftslag, PuL). This new law places greater restrictions on the management of personal information by organisations such as Göteborg Film Festival. We have therefore outlined below the ways in which Göteborg Film Festival manages, protects, and makes use of personal information.

Read more about the data protection law here: https://www.datainspektionen.se/in-english/

Göteborg Film Festival collects and stores personal information on the juridical grounds of ‘legitimate interest’. There should always be a reason for storing information that should benefit both Göteborg Film Festival and the industry contact, member or ticket-buyer in question. For more information about these reasons and the way in which personal information can come to be used, continue to the section “Intention and purpose”.

Personal information management

When you become a member, purchase a ticket, register for accreditation, apply to volunteer or order something from the web shop, Göteborg Film Festival can come to store some of your personal information. This could include name, address, your personal identification number, telephone number, email address or bank details.

We also store data on your interaction with Göteborg Film Festival. This means we store information pertaining to your membership, accreditation, ticket purchases, application to volunteer or web shop order.

Göteborg Film Festival will store this information when you are a member, ticket-buyer or have any other interaction with the organisation. Details are stored for three years. If there is no continued interaction with Göteborg Film Festival, the information will be deleted after the three years have passed.

Göteborg Film Festival never gathers sensitive personal information such as religion, political interest, membership in other organisations, sexual orientation, ethnicity or health.

Göteborg Film Festival stores information in systems actively protected by safety regulations (such as passwords or firewalls). These are continuously tested by the organisation.

We do not pass on your details to any third parties, except to subcontractors who act as personal data assistants, for example when it becomes necessary to contact you via email or by post, as is the case when sending out the physical programme catalogue.

Göteborg Film Festival never engages in the selling of any personal information to third parties.

Intention and purpose

We use personal information for the further development and effectivisation of the work carried out by Göteborg Film Festival (in alignment with the organisation’s business goals), to develop our services, provide efficient support to members and ticket-buyers, to be able to keep in touch with our members, customers and industry contacts for service and information purposes, and to generate (anonymised) statistics.

When you become a member, register for accreditation, purchase tickets or other items in our web shop, or apply to volunteer, Göteborg Film Festival could contact you via email for information and service purposes.

Your right to your personal information

You are always entitled to know which information we have stored about you and how we manage this information.

You are always entitled to have your details corrected or to have parts of the information removed if desired.

You are always entitled to having your information removed.


If you have any questions about your personal information or about the policy, or if you would like to change or remove your personal data, you can reach us by phone on +46(0)31-339 3000 or by email info@goteborgfilmfestival.se.

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